Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Benkler explains very much in depth how over the times between the twentieth century to now, there have been very many new practices rising from the depths, and having great success in very many ways. Such as the development of software all the way to online gaming. He also explains how it's a new informative environment where people nowadays take on a more active role then they ever did in the twentieth century with a new sense of freedom where they get to voice their own opinions through the Internet and in many other ways. With this more active role and new sense of freedom it creates a much better platform for democratic participation. I really liked how he explained the cultural and social aspects of the networked sphere through the Internet and where the Internet itself gives us new freedom where we are able to create new information and knowledge, meaning the Internet democratizes.

Throughout reading ch. 1I was thinking a lot about the other social networks that I have founded throughout the Internet and the one that definitely made me think the most about while reading this chapter was Twitter. Twitter is a way where you can chat face to face through web cam, and also through something like AIM. With twitter everybody knows everything about your everyday life depending also if you twitter everyday. Where you can blog and people can keep up with your blogs, and get to know the real you.

The social network that I use the most is Facebook, because it's a way that I can get in touch with really anyone that I need to, because as cliche as it sounds everyone has a facebook, and I feel other than email it's the easiest way to get in contact with someone. Through facebook its also very easy to set up meetings, parties, etc. and to send the specific people that you would want to invite. I know that especially over the month of May I am constantly being invited to graduation parties and also many other events. I have created a party for my sorority because this year is our 45th anniversary of being seen on the UNI campus, so myself and my partner worked together to create a group/invitation for facebook to send to those who we knew would get the invitation if it was only given through facebook. Facebook is a fast growing social network, that everyone uses to there own benefit to get to know other people and to keep up with TV shows, music, actors, etc.